Seeing my mom again was such a relief. She was alert and talking and up front about what was happening when I arrived, but she very quickly took a turn for the worse. It is now very close to the end and we are all gathering around her. I'm very thankful that I am here now to be with her, and that I got to say goodbye and tell her how much I love her. Someone gave me a book - final gifts - an immense help. It made me appreciate what we have and helped me know what to say and when to say it.
Ivan came a little bit early so that he could be here too, and I've never been more thankful for him than I am now. We have been trying to spend time in the mountains every day, birding and hiking. The migrants are steadily flowing through now... MacGillivray's Warblers and Wilson's Warblers down in the desert washes, Virginia's Warbler and Townsend's in the higher springs, flycatchers near water courses, raptors trickling in. I am hoping to see Grace's Warbler and some vireos tomorrow morning.
It is so great to read about everyone on the blog. This was such a great idea Susan!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at Palo this fall. Sounds like you are having a great season from koko's e-mail. My best friend might be moving to Northern California too - an immense blessing.
That's it, somewhat non-sequiter, but a brief update at least.
1 comment:
Im glad you're spending time with your mom and that Ivan is with you. love you - from one 'krazee K' to another!
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