Monday, October 29, 2007


Last weekend, I got a chance to go out to the Haehnle Crane Sanctuary where the sandhills are staging for their migration, and saw the WHOOPING CRANE that's been hanging out with em! He's banded, and they've figured out that he's from the 2005 class of the Wisconsin reintroduction program that teaches the birds to migrate using ultralight aircraft. Apparently this particular guy collided with an ultralight and was injured, so he made part of his migration trip down to Florida in a crate - presumably why he ended up in the wrong state when he made the trip back up himself. Poor guy! Anyway, the whooper plus about 2000 sandhills was quite the spectacle.


Sus said...

Awesome! That must have been quite a sight. Sounds like he traveled in style, but got his connections mixed up. :)

Mark Dettling said...

That place is great. I've ben there a few times. Quite an experience to have 2000 cranes fly over your head. What a treat to have a Whooping Crane mixed in.