Hi everyone, those of you that are gone..I miss you a toooooon!
Last Wednesday (Aug 1st) Matt and Irene abandoned me and moved to the North Bunkroom :( But I was strong :) lol The new interns Roselyv and Adrien are great! I have fun talking to them, they're teaching me some spanish, I know a little bit but I probably sound like a 2 year old talking to them :) Roselyv is a great bander, she must have a lot of experience. She does very well with handling and processing, and yesterday she extracted a WIWA in about 25 seconds! She's confident and knows all the scientific names :) Jon and Irene - you'll have fun with her, she's very sweet.
Palo is quiet, no new or rare birds recently. It's been pretty foggy and overcast, although it cleared up a little bit yesterday afternoon and I went to Irene's grand canyon on Grid 1 to lay out in the sun....yes Jonathon...with coconut oil haha. oh speaking of Jonathon....Matt and I were proofing the other day and spit flew out of my red pen....5 day old spit...Jon...thanks. ...and Dougie fresh never showed at PIGU either...so you'll be happy to know you didn't miss anything :)
Jess, Matt, and I brought some beer and ice cream to dogtown last night and watched 2 movies with Amy, Mark, and Ryan. Dogtown is a NICE HOUSE! we shoulda hung out there a lot more often!!
We're way behind on birdlist...I hate to admit this, but we're having breakfast for dinner together tonight and we plan to get all caught up. We're also trying to get caught up on monthly proof... but it's hard to resist nap time after banding.
Irene - you're my bestest friend and I miss you soooooo much. Please please be careful driving across country. I'll call you all the time when you get back to Palo..keep the dance parties alive!
Jonathan - ...geez thanks for all the harris-ment, the nicknames, the bander scrutiny, the spitty pens, and gunther :)
Kraaaantz - I miss you, thank god for you teaching me bird songs :) and showing such passion for birds. Palo hasn't seen the end of you! Please come birding out east sometime!!
Amanda - It was great getting to know you, thanks for laughing with me :) "teeny tiny thaang" (we love you krantz) I miss all your cookies, and muffins, and swans, and dangerous cheese cakes and homemade ice cream. You made Palo feel like home.
Susan - You were a great teacher when we first got here. I know I've told you this a couple times, but you were always so encouraging of us and made me feel at home in March. Thanks for taking me SPOWLING :) and you rocked at our last dance party!!! Keep taking amazing pictures and make sure you share them with us!
Matt - hahaha thanks for staying up late the other night and passing out on the deck, I knew you had it in ya! and thanks for always "getting" all the immature jokes that I always thought were hilarious.
Jess - Everytime I hear the gold digger song now I'm going to think of you! I'm soo glad we're going to Cape May together, and that we have this last week to get to know each other better :) See you on the other side! One of these days I'm going to take you up on those 'dollar bets' of yours... :)
Scibby - :) I love you guys, the best "den parents" I've ever had. You were great supervisors! Fun, smart, responsible, awesome, and patient. Libby I'm gonna miss you! Good luck in school!
All the staff - Renee, Diana, Geoff, Tom, Steve, Missy, Melissa, Rich, even Keith. You guys are all awesome and supportive. I'm so glad I got to meet and work with you. I'm leaving Palo inspired and proud of myself. Thanks for everything.
"The Office" rocks everyone better tune in. Premiers sometime in Sept..the 27th I think?
I had the BEST summer! You guys are all awesome and I'm gonna miss you so much, thanks for loving me through all my ditsiest moments.
~Anna ...wow that was long, but I wanted to get it all out.
.....haha I have to say it.. (that's what she said)*