Thursday, August 2, 2007

Willits, CA

Well, I'm in Willits, land of honalee... It seems that a "few" of these people have imaginary friends named Puff the Magic Dragon. We have been speculating about the proportion of stoned to non-stoned people in the town of Willits and contemplating a statistical survey. Just kidding, they would lynch us in front of the local safeway... I can see them chanting now, "burn them, buuurn them".

We have also been contemplating the dispersal rate of friends from field stations and where they will all wind up. I am hoping that 10 years from now the accumulated adventures of all of the crazy friends I've made at field stations will add up to a wild adventure yarn. All the more reason to fuel the blog.

I slept in this morning until 10 am after watching girl movies until 1:30 in the morning....this seemed a decadent luxury given that I've woken up before the alarm the entire field season...even on days off.

In other news, the poison oak rash on my leg has reached a full boil and spread a bit more... c'est la vie... bound to happen to all of us eventually, except Matt. Too bad we can't bottle up is immunity and market it.

Will write more later!!! Thanks for starting the blog Susan!!

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