Friday, August 24, 2007

Prickly Porcupine Points

The other night, I was just falling asleep when what to my wondering ears should I hear but a squealing and squalling outside my window. I went downstairs and opened the back door. A dark shadow shuffled out into the lawn. I went and got a flashlight and the light illuminated a little beady-eyed face. There were two porcupines, one big, one small, both pulling mouthfuls of grass and dandelions out of the lawn, making shrill squeaks and squeals. It was not a sound you'd associate with dining.

Did you know...Porcupines grow throughout their life, so the bigger one is, the older it is!

Woah! A flock of about 15 XXBI just went over the houses outside; I wonder what they were? Looked like large passerines...are they migrants? Two days ago I came across a flock of about 20 YRWA, with the odd RBNU, GCKI, and BTNW. They were just dripping out of the trees. I guess they Yellow-rumps are the most common fall warbler migrant in these parts. I'm thinking they're mostly MYWA, but I'm not sure. I've also seen fledgling BTNW being fed by parents. And also, two GHOWs the other day. One of the owls I noticed after watching an AMRE for a while (just because they're so pretty and cute when they fan their tails), when I suddenly noticed the yellow eyes of the owl that the AMRE was scolding! The GHOW had been in my binocular view the whole time, but hadn't noticed until it turned to face me! Then, further down the path I heard a young GHOW calling, and he flew over towards where I had left the adult. So, it's interesting that there are apparently migrants coming through, as well as young birds still associated with their parents. I haven't picked up any new species for a while; the last was a Magnolia Warbler, a very handsome male.

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