Friday, August 3, 2007

Classroom Cleaning

I had the greatest intentions of getting up early today to go birding. I swear, I did. But, 6am came and went and I was lucky to get up in time to get ready to meet my boss at 8:30. It was also foggy intermittently today, which tugged on my heartstrings as it reminded me of Palo. The fog here smells more briny than it did in the bay area.

Today consisted of getting a campus tour and then organizing classroom supplies. We took stuff off shelves, put it in piles on tables and other shelves labeled "art supplies", "kids clothes", "teacher kits", "flag", "first aid", "possible props" and other education-y type categories. I have the sneaking suspicion that we will eventually be moving these piles to other shelves in other rooms. But that's for another day. I will have most weekends off and intend to use them for biking, birding and biking while birding (to the potential peril of other road-users).

I got my guitar today which was a big surprise. Go USPS!

Bird list: HETH, SOSP, COEI (tons of common eiders), HEGU, GBBG (greater black-backed gull), Bonaparte's Gull, BTNW (Black-throated Green Warbler), DCCO, GBHE, AMGO, EUST, BLJA (Blue Jay), and several unknown birds.


Mark Dettling said...

Slight bird name correction Susan, it's Great Black-backed Gull, not Greater. Someone has to be a nit picky bird nerd.

Sus said...

thanks mark. what would i do without you?